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National Fire Codes

  • The National Fire Codes (NFC), which is published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), consists of 280 codes in 15 volumes (about 10,000 pages).
  • The codes cover several safety areas, including fire/explosion, fire protection system, life safety, gas and electrical hazards. According to the License and Distribution Agreement made between the KFPA and the NFPA in 1995, a Korean version of the codes were published. The Korean version has a total of 289 codes in 20 booklets (about 17,000 pages).

Publications list of NFC NUMERICAL INDEX

Publications list of NFC NUMERICAL INDEX
No. Contents Vol.
46 Forest Products, Storage of―1990 Vol 15
54 Fuel Gas Code, National―1992 Vol 4
8502 Furnace Explosion/Implosions in Multiple Burner Boilers―1995 Vol 14
86C Furnaces, Industrial, Special Atmosphere―1995 Vol 7
86D Furnaces, Industrial, Vacuum Atmosphere―1995 Vol 7
88B Garages, Repair―1995 Vol 7
51 Gas Systems Oxygen-Fuel Welding, Cutting―1992 Vol 4
1973 Gloves for Structural Fire Fighting―1993 Vol 13
102 Grandstands, Folding and Telescopic Seating, Tents, and Membrane Structures―1995 Vol 8
601 Guard Service in Fire Loss Prevention―1992 Vol 11
12A Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems―1992 Vol 1
472 Hazardous Materials Incidents Responders, Professional Competence―1992 Vol 10
99 Health Care Facilities―1996 Vol 7
264 Heat and Visible Smoke Release Rates for Materials and Products Using an Oxygen Consumption Calorimeter―1992 Vol 9
418 Heliports―1990 Vol 10
1972 Helmets, Structural Fire Fighting―1992 Vol 13
502 Highways, Tunnels, Bridges―1992 Vol 17
720 Household Carbon Monoxide Warning Equipment―1998 Vol 17
291 Hydrants, Testing and Marking―1995 Vol 16
851 Hydroelectric Generating Plants―1992 Vol 17
50A Hydrogen Systems, Gaseous, at Consumer Sites―1994 Vol 4
99B Hypobaric Facilities―1993 Vol 7
904 Incident Follow-up Report Guide―1992 Vol 18
901 Incident Reporting and Fire Protection Data―1990 Vol 17
82 Incinerators, Waste and Linen Handling Systems and Equipment―1994 Vol 6
600 Industrial Fire Brigades―1992 Vol 11
505 Industrial Trucks, Powered―1992 Vol 11
1902 Initial Attack Fire Apparatus―1991 Vol 13
45 Laboratories Using Chemicals―1991 Vol 3
1405 Land-Based Fire Fighters Who Respond to Marine Vessel Fires―1990 Vol 18
115 Laser Fire Protection―1995 Vol 16
910 Libraries and Library Collections―1991 Vol 18
101 Life Safety Code―1997 Vol 8
101A Life Safety, Alternative Approaches―1995 Vol 16
780 Lightning Protection Systems―1995 Vol 11
50B Liquefied Hydrogen Systems at Consumer Sites―1994 Vol 4
59A Liquefied Natural Gas, Storage and Handling―1996 Vol 4
57 Liquefied Natural Gas Vehicular Fuel Systems―1996 Vol 4
59 Liquefied Petroleum Gases at Utility Gas Plants―1995 Vol 4
58 Liquefied Petroleum Gases, Storage and Handling―1995 Vol 4
1992 Liquid Splash-Protective Suits for Hazardous Chemical Emergencies―1994 Vol 14
485 Lithium Metal―Storage, Handling, Processing, and Use―1994 Vol 11
1403 Live Fire Training Evolutions in Structures―1992 Vol 12
480 Magnesium, Storage, Handling―1993 Vol 11
501A Manufactured Home Installations, Sites, and Communities―1992 Vol 11
501 Manufactured Housing―1997 Vol 11
303 Marinas and Boatyards―1990 Vol 11
1925 Marine Fire Fighting Vessels―1998 Vol 13
307 Marine Terminals, Piers and Wharves―1990 Vol 10
267 Mattresses and Bedding Exposed to Flaming Ignition Source, Method of Test for Fire Characteristics of―1994 Vol 9
101B Means of Egress―1999 Vol 8
270 Measurement of Smoke Obscuration Using a Conical Radiant Source―1998 Vol 9
1582 Medical Requirements for Fire Fighters―1992 Vol 12
1903 Mobile Water Supply Fire Apparatus―1991 Vol 13
1125 Model rocket and High Power Rocket Motors―1988 Vol 12
302 Motor Craft, Pleasure and Commercial―1994 Vol 10
911 Museums and Museum Collections―1991 Vol 18
803 Nuclear Power Plants, Light Water―1993 Vol 11
31 Oil Burning Equipment, Installation of―1992 Vol 3
1981 Open-Circuit Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus―1992 Vol 14
35 Organic Coatings, Manufacture of―1995 Vol 3
43B Organic Peroxide Formulations―1993 Vol 3
86 Ovens and Furnaces―1995 Vol 6
430 Oxidizers, Liquid and Solid―1995 Vol 10
50 Oxygen Systems, Bulk, at Consumer Sites―1990 Vol 4
53 Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres, Fire Hazard in―1994 Vol 15
88A Parking Structures―1991 Vol 7
1982 Personal Alert Safety Systems(PASS) for Fire Fighters―199 Vol 14
43D 3 Pesticides, Storage of―1994 Vol 3
912 Places of Worship―1993 Vol 18
1141 Planned Building Groups―1990 Vol 12
650 Pneumatic Conveying Systems―1990 Vol 11
110 Power Systems, Emergency and Standby―1996 Vol 8
1620 Pre-Incident Planning―1998 Vol 18
903 Property Survey Guide―1992 Vol 17
1977 Protective Clothing and Equipment for Wildland Fire Fighting ―1993 Vol 14
1035 Public Fir and Life Safety Educator Professional Qualifications―1993 Vol 12

Publiations list of Fire Safety Data Sheets

Publiations list of NFC NUMERICAL INDEX
No. Contents Vol.
1061 Public Safety Telecommunicator Qualifications―1996 Vol 12
8503 Pulverized Fuel Systems―1992 Vol 14
1922 Pumping Units, Fire Service Self-Contained―1994 Vol 13
1911 Pumps on Fire Department Apparatus, Service Tests of―1991 Vol 13
1126 Pyrotechnic Use Before a Proximate Audience―1992 Vol 12
40E Pyroxylin Plastic―1993 Vol 3
150 Racetrack Stables―1991 Vol 8
231C Rack Storage of Materials―1995 Vol 9
801 Radioactive Materials, Facilities Handling―1995 Vol 11
232 Records, Protection of―1991 Vol 9
501D Recreational Vehicle Parks―1993 Vol 11
501C Recreational Vehicles―1993 Vol 11
914 Rehabilitation and Adaptive Reuse of Historic Structures―1989 Vol 18
471 Responding to Hazardous Materials Incidents―1992 Vol 16
1122 Rocketry, Code for Model―1994 Vol 12
1127 Rocketry, High Power―1995 Vol 12
231F Roll Paper Storage―1996 Vol 9
203 Roof Coverings―1992 Vol 16
256 Roof Coverings, Fire Tests of―1993 Vol 9
231D Rubber Tires, Storage of―1994 Vol 9
121 Self-Propelled and Mobile Surface Mining Equipment―1990 Vol 8
105 Smoke-Control Door Assemblies―1993 Vol 16
204M Smoke and Heat Venting―1991 Vol 16
92A Smoke-Control Systems―1993 Vol 15
258 Smoke Generated by Solid Materials, Standard Research Test for Measuring―1994 Vol 9
92B Smoke Management Systems in Malls, Atria, Large Areas―1995 Vol 16
36 Solvent Extraction Plants―1993 Vol 3
33 Spray Application Using Flammable or Combustible Materials―1995 Vol 3
1964 Spray Nozzles (Shutoff and Tip)―1993 Vol 13
16A Sprinkler Systems, Closed-Head Foam-Water―1994 Vol 2
13 Sprinkler Systems, Installation―1996 Vol 2
13D Sprinkler Systems, One- and Two-family Dwellings―1994 Vol 2
13R Sprinkler Systems, Residential Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height―1994 Vol 2
14 Standpipe and Hose Systems―1996 Vol 2
77 Static Electricity―1993 Vol 15
1975 Station/Work Uniforms―1994 Vol 13
8506 Steam Generator Systems, Heat Recovery―1995 Vol 14
8505 Stoker Operation―1992 Vol 18
231 Storage, General―1995 Vol 9
111 Stored Electrical Energy Emergency and Standby Power Systems―1996 Vol 8
520 Subterranean Spaces―1999 Vol 11
655 Sulfur Fires and Explosions, Prevention―1993 Vol 11
1993 Support Function Protective Garments for Hazardous Chemical Operations―1994 Vol 14
327 Tanks, Containers, Small, Cleaning―1993 Vol 10
326 Tanks, Safe Entry of Underground Storage―1993 Vol 10
513 Terminals, Motor Freight―1994 Vol 11
265 Textile Wall Coverings, Evaluation Room Fire Growth Contribution of―1994 Vol 9
701 Textiles and Firms, Flame Resistant Test for―1989 Vol 11
481 Titanium, Handling and Storage―1987 Vol 11
269 Toxic Potency Data, Test for Developing―1996 Vol 16
1401 Training Reports and Records―1989 Vol 18
130 Transit Systems, Fixed Guideway―1993 Vol 8
123 Underground Bituminous Coal Mines―1995 Vol 8
122 Underground Metal and Nonmetal Mines―1995 Vol 8
264A Upholstered Furniture Components or composites and Mattresses, Heat Release Rates for―1994 Vol 9
266 Upholstered Furniture Exposed to Flaming Ignition Source, Method of Test for Fire Characteristics of―1994 Vol 9
1991 Vapor-Protective Suits for Hazardous Chemical Emergencies―1994 Vol 14
68 Venting of Deflagrations―1994 Vol 15
306 Vessels, Control of Gas Hazards on―1993 Vol 10
312 Vessels, Protection During Construction, Repair, and Lay-up―1990 Vol 10
90B Warm Air Heating and Air conditioning Systems―1993 Vol 7
820 Wastewater Treatment and Collection Facilities―1992 Vol 11
25 Water-Based Fire Protection Systems―1995 Vol 3
750 Water Mist Fire Protection Systems―1996 Vol 11
15 Water Spray Fixed Systems―1990 Vol 2
1231 Water Supplies, Suburban and Rural Fire Fighting―1993 Vol 12
22 Water Tanks for Private Fire Protection―1996 Vol 2
17A Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems―1994 Vol 2
18 Wetting Agents―1995 Vol 2
295 Wildfire Control―1991 Vol 9
299 Wildfire, Protection of Life and Property―1991 Vol 10
1906 Wildland Fire Apparatus―1995 Vol 13
1051 Wildland Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications―1995 Vol 12
257 Window Assemblies, Fire Tests of―1990 Vol 9
664 Wood Processing and Woodworking Facilities―1993 Vol 11
482 Zirconium, Production, Processing―1987 Vol 11